The aquaDOT™ is a water harmoniser programmed with a specific recipe of naturally occurring frequencies which are designed to restore the energetic purity of your water.

  • aquaDOT™ by energydots® is our solution to your hydration needs. aquaDOT is a low-powered magnet programmed with a specific recipe of frequencies specially designed to remove imprinting of energy disturbances from your drinking water.
  • As well as its harmonising effect, aquaDOT™ is created to make your H2O more hydrating and, some report, tastier!
  • aquaDOT™ was developed to be as simple to use as possible. Simply peel off the adhesive cover and attach to your chosen water vessel.
  • aquaDOT™ is universal. Attach to your water bottle, filtration system, coaster or even your favourite mug and enjoy.
  • aquaDOT™ has an operating radius of 1 meter, meaning it can be affixed anywhere on your chosen item.
  • aquaDOT™ retains its programming signature indefinitely and as such does not need replacing.
  • Designed, programmed and manufactured in the United Kingdom.